Herbal Energetics Misconceptions

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When I first started studying herbs over two decades ago, I learned herbs (like many people do) by memorizing herbal actions, memorizing lists, and then throwing it all together.  But I found that choosing herbs for people using these memorized lists didn’t always work, which was incredibly discouraging!

Luckily, I found out about herbal energetics, and that’s what I’ve based my herbal practices on ever since.  However, I’ve noticed over the years that there are a lot of herbal energetics misconceptions about this helpful system of matching herbs to people! In this episode, I’ll share what people often get wrong about herbal energetics - and why it bothers me. 

By the end of this episode, you’ll know:

► Why herbal energetics is such a practical - not mystical! - system of matching herbs to people

► Why using herbal energetics can be more effective than the modern medicine approach (especially when dealing with chronic conditions!)

► How using your senses to understand an herb can give you a big-picture view of its phytochemistry

► Why learning herbal energetics together with herbal actions is such a powerful way of understanding plants

► and so much more….

-- TIMESTAMPS -- for Herbal Energetics Misconceptions

  • 0:05 - How Rosalee first started learning about herbs
  • 02:11 - Introduction to herbal energetics
  • 03:31 - Invitation to join the free mini Herbal Energetics Course
  • 04:30 - Misunderstanding #1 - herbal energetics is “woo” or mystical
  • 06:40 - Misunderstanding #2 - herbal energetics is an antiquated form of medicine
  • 10:33 - Misunderstanding #3 - phytochemistry is more scientific and revealing than herbal energetics
  • 13:07 - How the taste of an herb relates to its phytochemistry
  • 14:29 - Misunderstanding #4 - an herb’s herbal actions tells you more about it than its energetics
  • 16:13 - More details about the free mini Herbal Energetics Course
  • 18:16 - Herbal tidbit

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Transcript of the Herbal Energetics Misconceptions Video

When I first started studying herbs over two decades ago, I didn’t start off by learning herbal energetics. Instead I learned herbs, like many people still do, by memorizing herbal actions, memorizing lists, and then throwing it all together.

And when I started helping people with their health problems, this is the haphazard system I was using. I had memorized that burdock was good for eczema, so when I saw someone who said they had eczema, that’s what I recommended.

Early on I realized that while this mix and match method of herbalism worked sometimes, it didn’t work other times. And when it didn’t work that made me really uncomfortable! People were coming to me for help and my suggestions were helping only part of the time!

Luckily, before I became too discouraged, I found out about herbal energetics. The term herbal energetics itself isn’t super clear and I’ve noticed over the years that there’s a lot of misunderstanding about exactly what it is. In this episode I’m sharing what people often get wrong about herbal energetics (and why it bothers me).

Herbal Energetics is a system of matching herbs to people and has been used all over the world for an immeasurable amount of time.

Because it exists on a global scale, there are many different ways of working with herbal energetics, some of them are quite sophisticated and advanced and take many many years of study to grasp. Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda are examples of these.

I’ve found that most people who are wanting to work with herbs effectively for themselves and their family can benefit from learning a simplified system of herbal energetics. That way they can feel more confident that the herbs they choose for their everyday health needs are going to work. But they don’t have to spend a decade in school or thousands and thousands of dollars to do it! 

I’ve been teaching people about herbal energetics for well over a decade. Over the years I’ve noticed that there are some common misconceptions about herbal energetics, both in what it is, and also why it’s important. I have to admit that some of these misconceptions annoy me a lot! Because they are based in myths or just straight up misunderstanding.

Ultimately, my success as an herbal teacher is seeing your success! And I know from personal experience that herbal energetics will help you be more successful with herbs!

If you’re interested in learning more about what herbal energetics is, then you’re invited to join my free mini herbal energetics course that’s happening now and for the next week only. 

In this online training you’ll learn how to get the skills to be an herbalist, so you can confidently choose the herbs that actually work for you and your family (without memorizing lists of herbs or being fearful of making things worse)! 

I’ll be giving you a safety framework so you can feel more confident when working with herbs. 

We’ll also have tea tastings, and you’ll get a copy of the Herbal Energetics Flavor Wheel - which is a blueprint to herbalism!

The MINI herbal energetics course is going to be a lot of fun! Get your free instant access today.

And, if you happen to be watching or listening to this episode after the free mini course is over, no worries, you can also sign up for the next time it’s offered. 


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OK, let's dive in.

Herbal Energetics Misconceptions: #1

The first, and easily the most common misunderstanding about herbal energetics is that it is too woo or mystical.

I get how this can happen. Just the word “energetics” sounds a bit ethereal.

But herbal energetics is not woo or mystical. At all.

In fact, it couldn’t be more practical! Because it’s based on your direct observations. If anything, herbal energetics, especially in its simplified form, is really all about common sense.

Let me give you an example so you know what I mean.

Can you remember a time when your skin has been burned? Maybe from too much sun exposure or a cooking accident? However the burn happened, I’m sure you can remember how it felt. Certainly there was pain. But there was probably another sensation. Heat!

A burn is an acute hot condition. We call it hot, not because it’s a mystical term, but because it’s actually hot. It feels hot, both to the person who has the burn, as well as to someone else who puts their hands on the burned area. The burned area is often red and could even develop blisters, again, more symptoms of actual heat.

So, what do we instinctively do when we are burned? We try to cool it down! If you burn your hand while cooking you might put it under cold water or put ice on it. If you have a sunburn you might reach for aloe gel or rose hydrosol or rose infused vinegar.

And when you put something cooling on a burn it feels sooo good, right? You basically have an imbalance of heat and you are applying lots of coolness to restore that balance.

A burn is a really easy example of applying herbal energetics. Something is hot and we want to cool it down. Admittedly things can get a little more complicated, but even still, herbal energetics is still based on practical observations and it’s not woo or mystical. 

Herbal Energetics Misconceptions: #2

Okay, let’s talk about another common misconception: I’ve heard people say they have no interest in studying herbal energetics because it’s an antiquated form of medicine. They feel that this form of herbalism should be left in history books and instead herbs should be used within a more updated and modern form of western medicine. This often involves studying phytochemistry, isolated constituents within herbs, and relying heavily on published research.

I understand that many of us growing up within the greater culture of western medicine might feel this way. There’s this underlying assumption that herbalism is rudimentary and western medicine, especially because it took over as the main form of medicine for many, is the obviously superior system.

But the reality is more nuanced than this.

First thing to unpack is that the rise of modern western medicine didn’t happen organically because it was the natural evolution or progression from herbalism.

Instead it was a very calculated move by a group of rich individuals who were interested in for profit medicines and ultimately the billions of dollars they could earn from centralizing medicine and creating patented medicines. The history of the American Medical Association in the early 1900s is a bit much to go into right now, but this is a heartbreaking and eye opening history about the beginnings of modern medicine. Suffice to say, so-called alternative methods of healing were intentionally squashed by big money interests.

In the past hundred years several branches of modern medicine have evolved. There’s acute or trauma medicine which involves amazing feats of saving people after horrible car accidents or gunshots. Seriously, what surgeons can do is mind boggling and amazing to me.

And then there is chronic disease care. While there have been some important and life saving interventions in this branch of care, on the whole, it’s pretty depressing. Western medicine’s approach to most chronic care isn’t to cure it, but instead to manage and suppress symptoms through pharmaceutical interventions.

So for example, if someone has eczema, the focus is rarely on WHY that individual has eczema, but instead simply to give them steroid cream so that it goes away. Steroid cream initially has pretty dramatic results! Which can be impressive, but unfortunately it doesn’t last. The eczema almost always comes back, and there are some negative side effects to deal with in the meantime like the thinning of your skin!

This is where herbal energetics really shines! When we use herbs in this system we aren’t trying to suppress or manage symptoms. Instead, we’re working with a person’s inherent healing abilities to help restore balance. In other words we address the reason WHY someone has eczema, so that can be solved and the eczema goes away. One way herbalists do this is through matching herbs to the person, which is part of the herbal energetics model.

So yes, there are some amazing aspects of modern medicine, especially in regards to trauma medicine. I wouldn’t be without it myself! But modern medicine isn’t always better than herbalism, especially when it comes to chronic disease. And modern medicine isn’t the natural evolution or progression of medicine.

The fact is, herbalism continues to be used all over the world – because it works! In fact, many people, like myself, have found herbalism because western medicine failed to help our chronic conditions. 

Herbal Energetics Misconceptions: #3

Another common misconception people can have about herbal energetics is that they think that learning about the phytochemistry of an herb is more scientific and revealing than herbal energetics.

This is a common misconception and it annoys me because someone who believes this simply doesn’t understand what herbal energetics is! Herbal energetics is, in part, the study of phytochemistry! I would even say it’s the most practical and useful way to study phytochemistry, especially for the home herbalist. 

Let’s back up a moment to discuss what phytochemistry is: it’s the study of what constituents are found within an herb. This can be a fascinating part of studying herbs and something that’s especially important to know when making herbal medicine! But, it can also lead to an overwhelming and boring way to study herbs. 

That’s because there are hundreds of constituents within a single herb. 

Let’s take burdock as an example. A big picture view of burdock’s chemical constituents shows us that burdock is high in things like polysaccharides, and inulin.

But when you look at a complete picture of Burdock’s constituents it’s mind boggling! If you’re watching this episode on video I’ll share a screenshot of just some of the constituents found in burdock as per James Duke’s ethnobotanical database. If you’re listening without the video, rest assured, it’s an overwhelming amount of constituents! 

So yes, you could attempt to memorize all these constituents. And, for many of these constituents we have a good idea of how they may affect the body. But herbs aren’t individual constituents! Practically every time someone has tried to isolate constituents, and then declare that this ONE constituent is the healing property within a plant, it has ended up with poor results. 

In other words, phytochemistry can tell us about a plant, but it only tells us so much. For example, two herbs can have similar chemicals but their effects may vary dramatically because one is overall cooling and the other warming! As just one example. 

Another consideration is that herbs aren’t standardized! So when we see a list of constituents within an herb, that is the list for that individual plant that was tested. Another plant that was growing somewhere else may have different constituents. In fact, the methods of growing, harvesting, and processing can all dramatically influence the constituents within a plant. 

By learning how to interpret how herbs taste and smell and feel, you can get your own big picture view of that herb's phytochemistry. 

Is an herb really bitter? It may be high in terpenes. Does it have a sweetness to it? It is probably high in polysaccharides. Does the herb make your mouth dry? Then it may be high in polyphenols like tannins. 

Over time you can train your senses to assess the herbs in front of you. You can think of this as practical phytochemistry for the home herbalist! 

As I said, herbal energetics is the study of phytochemistry. Admittedly it’s a bit of a simplified approach. Your tongue can tell you that something is bitter, but it won’t give you a definitive readout of all the bitter constituents within that plant. But it will tell you a lot and it's a very practical tool that is especially useful if you don’t have access to a multimillion dollar lab. 

Phytochemistry is fascinating but it’s impossible to fully understand a plant simply based on a list of its constituents. Let me put it this way. Do you think you’d know more about an apple by reading and memorizing a list of its constituents? Or by eating an apple each day? 

Using your senses to understand herbs is one of the most powerful skills an herbalist can have - which is why it is the foundation of my own herbal teachings. 

Herbal Energetics Misconceptions: #4

The last misconception about learning herbal energetics comes from people who feel it’s better to learn herbal actions (like carminative or anti-inflammatory) because that tells you more about an herb than knowing whether an herb is cooling or warming or drying or moistening. 

As someone who has studied herbs strictly from an herbal actions perspective and then later from an herbal energetics perspective, I can say 100% that knowing both is better than knowing just one or the other. 

If you only know herbs from their herbal actions, then you’re seeing just a bit of an herb’s benefits and gifts. And, if you’re using or recommending herbs based solely on their herbal actions, you will get mixed results, because you aren’t seeing the whole picture. 

That reminds me of the story of people being blindfolded and then asked to touch something and say what it is. One person says it’s a hose. Another person says it’s a suitcase. Another says it’s a sharp tool, like a plow. And when their blindfolds were removed they saw they were all touching different parts of an elephant. 

Herbal actions, phytochemistry and herbal energetics are all part of a plant. If we ignore one, then we aren’t really going to understand the herb and we’ll be limited in our success of working with that herb. 

Many people today are learning about herbs with this limited viewpoint because they’re only studying herbal actions or phytochemistry. Herbal energetics is the practical system that shows you how to see and experience WHOLE plant medicine. It helps you move beyond simple memorization so that you can form relationships with herbs and truly get to know them and their healing abilities.

If you’re interested in learning more about what herbal energetics is, then you’re invited to join my free mini herbal energetics course that is happening now and for the next week only.

This video training will go more in depth on exactly what herbal energetics is. Including looking at your individual constitution, understanding plant energetics, and how to put it all together so that you can successfully choose plants for people.

Many people’s favorite part of this training is the Flavor Wheel, which is a blueprint to understanding plant energetics through their taste.

Again, this training is only happening for a short time! Register for free below.

I’m excited to see you there!

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Okay, you’ve lasted to the very end of the show which means you get a gold star and this herbal tidbit…

I’m really excited to be sharing the latest version of the Flavor Wheel with you. I created this wheel in, gosh, I don’t really remember, maybe 2011. It started out as rough sketches with a pencil. Then I asked my FB friends if someone could help me design it digitally and that’s how I ended up meeting Emily Han, who I later collaborated with to write Wild Remedies and then to create our course Rooted Medicine Circle.

To date tens of thousands of people have downloaded this wheel - it may be what I am most known for as an herbalist!

With the MINI Herbal Energetics Course you are getting the most updated version. I am really excited to share it with you! See you there! 

Rosalee is an herbalist and author of the bestselling book Alchemy of Herbs: Transform Everyday Ingredients Into Foods & Remedies That Healand co-author of the bestselling book Wild Remedies: How to Forage Healing Foods and Craft Your Own Herbal Medicine. She's a registered herbalist with the American Herbalist Guild and has taught thousands of students through her online courses. Read about how Rosalee went from having a terminal illness to being a bestselling author in her full story here.  

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Information found on this website is meant for educational purposes only.
It is not meant to diagnose medical conditions, to treat any medical conditions or to prescribe medicine.
Copyright 2010-2022 www.HerbalRemediesAdvice.org by Rosalee de la Forêt
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