Being a Guest on the Herbs With Rosalee Podcast

Thanks for your interest in being a guest on The Herbs With Rosalee Podcast.

I love to feature guests that are passionate about sharing their knowledge about herbs.

I am creating this page to help you understand who I am looking for and how best to get my attention.

Pitching for being a guest on a podcast is kinda like applying for a job with a lot of applicants. I get a lot of podcast requests and most of them I simply ignore because the requester hasn’t taken any time to show me why I should take the time to vet them.

In other words, simply emailing me to tell me you’d like to be on the show or giving me an overwhelming 10 page resume isn’t enough to get in the door.

My first priority is having guests that add value to my listeners’ lives. That means offering practical, grounded, and actionable information about herbs.

I am especially interested in sharing stories and perspectives that haven’t traditionally been highlighted within the herbal mainstream.

Here’s some things to consider when making a pitch for The Herbs With Rosalee podcast.

  1. Have you listened to the show? If not, here are two of my favorite guest episodes. Plantain with jim mcdonald. Ginger with Camille Freeman.

  2. What value are you bringing to the show? What makes your message unique/interesting/powerful for the listeners? I’m less interested in your audience size or credential and more interested in you being a good match for the podcast. 

  3. Are you a good speaker? You don’t need to be an award winning TedTalk orator, but you do need to be able to avoid filler words like frequent “ums” and have a passionate and upbeat approach. Tell me about other podcasts you’ve been on. If you don’t have any examples of you teaching/interviewing consider coming back once you have something. Or consider sending me a short video pitch so I get a better sense of your style/skills. 

  4. Do you get my style of herbalism? If so you’ll know I love practical knowledge, beauty, wonder, earth-centered wisdom, whole plants, personal knowledge base (rather than simply memorized), interesting simple recipes, sustainability, nature connection, food as medicine, etc. 

You’ll also know that I’m not interested in fads, fear or shame-based approaches, parasite cleanses, colonics, etc. Also, as a whole-herb centered herbalist I am less interested in essential oils and homeopathy.

My goal is that listeners walk away from the show saying something like, “Wow, I learned so much and I’m inspired to try the recipe.”

If that’s what you deliver, then feel free to pitch your idea below.

Please keep in mind that I get a lot of podcast requests. Sometimes I’m full for the time being. Sometimes you aren’t a good match for this particular podcast. Getting a no this time around isn’t personal. There are many herbal podcasts out there, keep pitching!

Rosalee is an herbalist and author of the bestselling book Alchemy of Herbs: Transform Everyday Ingredients Into Foods & Remedies That Healand co-author of the bestselling book Wild Remedies: How to Forage Healing Foods and Craft Your Own Herbal Medicine. She's a registered herbalist with the American Herbalist Guild and has taught thousands of students through her online courses. Read about how Rosalee went from having a terminal illness to being a bestselling author in her full story here.  

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Information found on this website is meant for educational purposes only.
It is not meant to diagnose medical conditions, to treat any medical conditions or to prescribe medicine.
Copyright 2010-2022 by Rosalee de la Forêt
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