Season 10 Episode 2:
Medicinal Hops Benefits

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Medicinal Hops Benefits

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Episode Summary

Hops (Humulus lupulus) is a powerful relaxing herb! In this episode, I’m sharing five medicinal hops benefits, as well as an interesting way for you to work with hops in a hops oil recipe.

When might you reach for hops?

► To soothe muscle tension, including intestinal cramping and menstrual cramps. Hops truly shines  when used topically for this type of pain. (Don’t miss out on your free, printable recipe card for  hops infused oil!)

► To support metabolic health. While the causes (and therefore approaches) for metabolic disorders such as insulin resistance or type 2 diabetes are complex, numerous studies have shown that hops have many beneficial effects for people with metabolic syndromes. (By the way, if you or a loved one want to know how to work with herbs holistically for chronic illness, definitely check out my free, on-demand video training: ►►►

These are just a couple of the possible applications for cooling, calming hops… But there’s a lot more to know about working with this powerful medicinal herb, so be sure to tune in to the entire episode!

After listening in, you’ll know:

► Why it’s worth intentionally smelling and tasting the hops you’re working with, rather than assuming all hops are the same

► Who may especially benefit from working with hops for improved sleep quality

► How hops may be a valuable ally to menopausal women

► The three groups of people who need to avoid or be cautious when working with hops

► How to receive medicinal hops benefits if you don’t like the taste 

What You'll Learn from This Episode

  • [01:10] Introduction to hops (Humulus lupulus)
  • [02:31] Hops energetics  
  • [03:34] Hops as a relaxing nervine
  • [05:58] Hops as a bitter digestive aid
  • [06:44] Hops for improving metabolic function
  • [08:42] Hops for the skin
  • [09:16] Hops and their phytoestrogenic benefit
  • [10:41] How to identify hops
  • [12:14] Special considerations for hops
  • [12:46] How to get the most medicinal hops benefits
  • [14:41] Hops oil recipe
  • [18:18] Herbal tidbit

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Hops Infused Oil Recipe

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Resources Mentioned

Rosalee is an herbalist and author of the bestselling book Alchemy of Herbs: Transform Everyday Ingredients Into Foods & Remedies That Healand co-author of the bestselling book Wild Remedies: How to Forage Healing Foods and Craft Your Own Herbal Medicine. She's a registered herbalist with the American Herbalist Guild and has taught thousands of students through her online courses. Read about how Rosalee went from having a terminal illness to being a bestselling author in her full story here.  


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