Episode 144:
Nettle with Kristine Brown

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Nettle with Kristine Brown

Episode Summary

I’ve known Kristine Brown for many years, and it was such a delight to sit down and chat with her about her love of nettle – a plant that herbalists love to love!  Even though I have immersed myself in nettle love for years, I learned some new things about this wonderful herb during our conversation.  And it was so much fun to hear about Kristine’s herbal journey and how she came to develop her herbal zine and amazing herbal learning system for children.

If you homeschool your children – or even if you don’t, but simply enjoy sharing the gifts of herbs with the children in your life – you’ll love the Herb Club expanded curriculum sample that Kristine is sharing with us!  This free, downloadable curriculum sample – an amazing resource for kids of all ages! – can be found in the section below.

Nettle offers so many wonderful gifts!  Here are just a few ways that you can work with nettles to benefit your health:

► To help prevent seasonal allergies

► To strengthen your bones, hair, and nails

► To help normalize low blood pressure

Nettle is such a versatile plant, and there are so many more reasons to include it in your regular herbal routine.  To learn the best ways to incorporate nettle into your life (including a delicious way to prepare nettle greens!), be sure to tune in to the entire episode.

By the end of this episode, you’ll know:

► Why Kristine considers nettle to be her lifetime plant ally

► Kristine’s helpful trick for drying large amounts of nettles

► Seven medicinal uses of nettle leaves, roots, and seeds – including one way that the actual sting can be used!

► Tips for harvesting nettles and extending the season for harvesting their leaves

► and so much more…

For those of you who don’t know her, Kristine Brown, RH(AHG), is helping parents teach their kids about herbalism, one herb at a time. Combining her knowledge as an herbalist and homeschooling mom, Kristine created the only children’s herbal curriculum that uses all four learning styles (visual, auditory, reading, and kinesthetic). She has taught classes for children locally and coordinated numerous herbal conference kids’ camps both locally and nationally.

She is the writer and illustrator of the online children’s publication Herbal Roots zine, including e-books, online courses that teach children about botany, drawing, and herbs, and a membership offering, Herb Club, with video lessons, expanded curriculum for preschool through high school, and a forum. Teaching others about plants and drawing and sharing her knowledge with children—our future—is her passion.

I’m thrilled to share our conversation with you today!

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What You'll Learn from This Episode

  • [01:09] Introduction to Kristine Brown
  • [03:21] How Kristine found her herbal path and developed Herbal Roots Zine
  • [09:50] Why Kristine loves stinging nettle (Urtica dioica)
  • [19:16] Favorite ways to eat nettle leaf
  • [22:30] When to harvest nettles
  • [26:57] Excerpts from Kristine’s herbal homeschool curriculum
  • [36:13] Kids do absorb herbal knowledge (even when you think they’re not paying attention)
  • [39:57] Kristine’s herbal first aid kit
  • [45:49] Herbal tidbit

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  • 01:07 - Introduction to Kristine Brown
  • 03:24 - How Kristine found her herbal path and developed Herbal Roots Zine
  • 10:13 - Why Kristine loves stinging nettle (Urtica dioica)
  • 20:06 - Favorite ways to eat nettle leaf
  • 23:34 - When to harvest nettles
  • 28:07 - Excerpts from Kristine’s herbal homeschool curriculum
  • 37:48 - Kids do absorb herbal knowledge (even when you think they’re not paying attention)
  • 41:39 - Kristine’s herbal first aid kit
  • 47:38 - Herbal tidbit

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Rosalee is an herbalist and author of the bestselling book Alchemy of Herbs: Transform Everyday Ingredients Into Foods & Remedies That Healand co-author of the bestselling book Wild Remedies: How to Forage Healing Foods and Craft Your Own Herbal Medicine. She's a registered herbalist with the American Herbalist Guild and has taught thousands of students through her online courses. Read about how Rosalee went from having a terminal illness to being a bestselling author in her full story here.  


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