Episode 1: Three Ways Plants Heal

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Episode Summary

Herbs are powerful medicines. I've seen them bring instant relief to bee stings and other painful injuries. I've seen them heal up surgical wounds so fast that it amazed doctors and I've seen them reduce blood pressure and relieve arthritis. I've seen them bring welcome relief to insomniacs and help people to clear up acne to reveal radiant skin underneath. I even credit my own miraculous recovery from a terminal auto-immune disease to herbal medicine.

Yes, herbs are powerful! They're accessible and they're often growing right outside our door, which begs the question: if herbs are so great, why aren't they more mainstream?  Why do we regularly see doctors instead of herbalists? Why isn't herbalism a recognized system of medicine? Why doesn't insurance cover herbalism?

In this episode, I'm going to share three of the ways that I turn to herbs for healing. I'm going to share these within a different framework that's a different approach than what you typically find in Western medicine.

I know from my personal experience as an herbal clinician that the approach of choosing herbs for the person, the unique individual, is far more effective than choosing herbs for the disease. It's as simple as shifting from asking, "What herb is good for eczema?" to asking the question, "what herb is good for Erin?"


What You'll Learn from This Episode

  • [01:38] History of Herbalism

  • [05:38] Herbs as healing food

  • [05:55] Herbs as a source of micronutrients and phytonutrients

  • [10:03] A favorite breakfast recipe

  • [13:17] About Herbal Energetics

  • [16:15] Plants as a gateway to nature connection

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Rosalee is an herbalist and author of the bestselling book Alchemy of Herbs: Transform Everyday Ingredients Into Foods & Remedies That Healand co-author of the bestselling book Wild Remedies: How to Forage Healing Foods and Craft Your Own Herbal Medicine. She's a registered herbalist with the American Herbalist Guild and has taught thousands of students through her online courses. Read about how Rosalee went from having a terminal illness to being a bestselling author in her full story here.  

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