Season 7 Episode 5: Propolis Benefits
with Benjamin Pixie

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Propolis Benefts

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Episode Summary

In this episode, we look to the medicines that bees make with plants. Propolis is a medicinal resin made by bees which can be sustainably harvested to use as medicine. Benjamin Pixie is an herbalist, mead maker and bee keeper who has lots to share about plants, the wisdom of bees, and making medicines from the gifts of the hive. 

Benjamin also shares a recipe and important tips for making your own propolis tincture, including the best alcohol to use and tips for finding propolis. 

By the end of this episode, you’ll know:

► Why bees are the original herbalists

► What is propolis and many amazing health benefits

► How best to work with propolis as medicine

► How to support the bees

For those of you not familiar with Benjamin, he has been a treatment-free, bee-centric sustainable beekeeper since 2007. He is mead maker at Pixie Mead, and Distiller of honey spirits at Spirit of the Hive. He is a founding member of the Skalitude Pollinator Sanctuary and the Skalitude Community.

I’m so happy to share our conversation with you today!

Propolis is, for the beehive, the glue that holds everything together, but also this concentration of plant immune systems that the bees collaborate on because they do add their own enzymes, which transform the plant secretions to become the synthesis that is like nothing else in the world, really.


What You'll Learn from This Episode

  • 03:20 - How Benjamin became an herbalist by listening to the plants
  • 06:36 - How mead turned Benjamin into a beekeeper
  • 07:43 - Why Benjamin thinks bees are the original herbalists
  • 09:24 - What is propolis and why is it the quintessential bee medicine?
  • 11:42 - Propolis as boundary medicine
  • 15:42 - How to work with propolis
  • 17:55 - Why you need a solvent to break down propolis/resins
  • 20:02 - Propolis tincture recipe
  • 22:46 - Actions of propolis (medicinal benefits for dental health, wounds, immune system)
  • 32:29 - Honeyshine as a tincture menstruum
  • 37:20 - What is Skalitude?
  • 38:37 - Saskatoon Circle and Northwest Herbal Faire
  • 45:00 - What is Benjamin’s advice for those starting out on their herbal path and those interested in bees

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Propolis Tincture Recipe

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Rosalee is an herbalist and author of the bestselling book Alchemy of Herbs: Transform Everyday Ingredients Into Foods & Remedies That Healand co-author of the bestselling book Wild Remedies: How to Forage Healing Foods and Craft Your Own Herbal Medicine. She's a registered herbalist with the American Herbalist Guild and has taught thousands of students through her online courses. Read about how Rosalee went from having a terminal illness to being a bestselling author in her full story here.  

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