Season 7 Episode 6: Stinging Nettle Benefits
with David Winston

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Stinging Nettle Benefits with David Winston

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Episode Summary

You have a real treat in store with today’s episode, all about the many gifts of stinging nettle (Urtica dioica). My guest, renowned herbalist David Winston, shares multiple stories about the rich herbal medicine of nettle leaf, nettle root, and nettle seed, gleaned from his 54 years of clinical practice. 

David shares so many pearls of wisdom about stinging nettle, herbs, and herbalism during our  conversation that I think you’ll agree I made the right choice in letting the interview meander longer than usual.

As a listener, you’ll also receive access to David’s recipe for Green Powder Spice Blend. This nutrient-dense blend is delicious sprinkled on eggs, cooked grains, soups, stews, salads, cooked greens, and other savory dishes.

By the end of this episode, you’ll know:

► What are the benefits and applications of nettle leaf, nettle root, and nettle seeds?

► Is there any real hope for remineralizing bones weakened by osteoporosis?

► How herbalism and Western medicine beautifully shore up one another’s weak spots

► Why it’s so important to treat the person rather than the disease

► Why do so many herbal traditions emphasize complex formulations?

► What is David’s advice for aspiring herbalists?

For those of you who don’t already know David, he’s an Herbalist and Ethnobotanist with 54 years of training in Chinese, Western/Eclectic and Southeastern herbal traditions. He has been in clinical practice for 47 years and is an herbal consultant to physicians, herbalists and researchers throughout the USA, Europe and Canada. David is the founder/director of the Herbal Therapeutics Research Library and the dean of David Winston’s Center for Herbal Studies, a two-year training program in clinical herbal medicine. He is an internationally known lecturer and frequently teaches at medical schools, professional symposia and herb conferences. He is the president of Herbalist & Alchemist, Inc. a manufacturer that produces herbal products that blend the art and science of the world’s great herbal traditions.

In addition, David is a founding/professional member of the American Herbalist Guild, and he is on the American Botanical Council and the American Herbal Pharmacopoeia Advisory Boards.

He’s the author of many books including the co-author of Adaptogens: Herbs for Strength, Stamina and Stress Relief.

David has taught thousands of herbalists around the world and is the recipient of many notable and prestigious awards and fellowships.

I’m beyond delighted to share our conversation with you today!

Opening your mind to listen…I’m a big fan of research and science and looking at the old literature and clinical experience, but never downplay the importance of learning to listen to the plants.


What You'll Learn from This Episode

  • [01:10] Introduction to David Winston
  • [04:09] How David fell in love with plants
  • [11:07] Early reactions to identifying as an herbalist
  • [13:35] Why David loves stinging nettle (Urtica dioica)
  • [15:05] An early experiment with stinging nettle
  • [20:35] David’s mineral-rich Green Powder Spice Blend can support healthy bone density
  • [27:00] Closing thoughts about nettle leaf
  • [36:08] Herbalism is the people’s medicine
  • [39:52] Harvesting and preparing nettle leaf vs. nettle root
  • [44:47] Complex formulas for complex people with complex problems
  • [47:35] Benefits of nettle root
  • [48:51] The plants provide: two stories including a clinical experience with nettle seed
  • [1:01:25] Experiences with nettle seed for animals
  • [1:04:03] The importance of listening
  • [1:05:22] Two of Rosalee’s favorite books by David
  • [1:07:07] Herbalist & Alchemist for herbal formulations
  • [1:08:57] Center for Herbal Studies + advice for learning herbalism
  • [1:15:16] Never stop learning

Get Your Free Recipe!

Green Powder Spice Blend

By David Winston

A flavorful, nutrient dense spice blend to sprinkle on eggs, cooked grains, soups, stews, salads, cooked greens, and other savory dishes.



  1. Fully blend powders together, put in a spice jar with a shaker lid, label, and cap tightly. 
  2. Use to taste.


David Winston Nettle Blend

Yes! I want my beautifully illustrated recipe card!

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Rosalee is an herbalist and author of the bestselling book Alchemy of Herbs: Transform Everyday Ingredients Into Foods & Remedies That Healand co-author of the bestselling book Wild Remedies: How to Forage Healing Foods and Craft Your Own Herbal Medicine. She's a registered herbalist with the American Herbalist Guild and has taught thousands of students through her online courses. Read about how Rosalee went from having a terminal illness to being a bestselling author in her full story here.  

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